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Hair Anxiety

For some children, having a haircut can be an upsetting experience. If a child has sensory issues, is on the Autistic Spectrum, or just has a phobia of the hairdresser, then it can be very frightening for them, and very stressful for you.

First of all, please be assured it is a remarkably common problem. I see it every day and please believe me when I say I am very used to seeing children who become upset, and yes, in some cases, even hysterical.


 At Coles I don’t have a one solution fits all

Every child and every family is unique and therefore every solution needs to be bespoke to them. I have worked very successfully with many children to help them overcome their fears and make the experience of having a haircut more bearable, and even in some cases, now enjoyable. But I am realistic about the timescales for this process is and it can take many visits before a child is even ready to sit in the chair.


Applying restraint is an approach I prefer to avoid  – you may get a haircut achieved by whipping off the hair as quick as possible the first time round, but you’re storing up problems for the future. I much prefer a gentler, slower approach. I have children who come to visit me, sit in the chair, meet their hairdresser and receive a little treat all without us actually doing a haircut – we don’t charge for this, it’s all part of our service.

Just pop me a message if you would to visit to arrange a time when it is quiet so they are not overwhelmed. 

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